If you are thinking whether an outpatient or an inpatient treatment program of Arkansas will be best suited for your alcoholism, then you must know a few things. First and foremost, this is not actually a choice that you have to make. This will be most decided on several factors and you will need to abide by them. These factors will depend on the nature of your addiction and your own comportment with alcohol. Also, it will be your substance abuse counselor who will suggest you whether an outpatient of an inpatient alcohol treatment program in Arkansas would be best for you.
However, you need to know a few things. You need to know what qualifies you to enroll into an alcohol treatment in Arkansas in the outpatient format. These points are as follows:-
1. If you have been in any kind of alcohol addiction treatment in Arkansas before, you will not be allowed to continue with outpatient treatment. The outpatient treatment is the first treatment mode that is adopted in Arkansas.
2. If you have been into the alcoholism addiction for a long time, you will not be allowed an outpatient treatment program because you will need a detox program to make your body free from the accumulated alcohol within your body. These withdrawals will also be sharper which will be best addressed in an inpatient setting.
3. If there is any kind of health complications because of your alcohol addiction, then again a detox would be needed under medical supervision. You will not be permitted to stay in an outpatient treatment program.