Statistically, there are a great number of couples that share a drug addiction. Many times, the addiction starts with one person have a substance abuse problem and eventually convincing the other to start using drugs as well.
However the shared addiction starts, many times one person will decide to seek treatment before the other does. Choosing to seek drug abuse treatment is a very personal decision that a person must come to on their own. So while one person may desire help, the other person may not have reached that point and want to continue using drugs. This conflict in decisions will more often than not cause a great deal of stress more to the person that is wanting help than to the person that wants to continue using.
While there are cases of a person successfully receiving treatment and remaining with a person suffering from addiction, these cases are few and far between. More often than not, the person seeking help will either decide to just keep using drugs or will eventually go back to using drugs after rehab. Sadly, many relationships will come to an end, when one realizes that their partner shows no interest in seeking help and becoming drug free.
It can be a difficult and painful decision, but if a person in a drug addicted relationship desires to seek addiction treatment, they should seek that treatment regardless of what their partner chooses to do. Not only is it extremely beneficial for them, but it takes them one step closer to having the ability to help their partner.